Wednesday, September 1, 2010

and you thought kitties were the highlight of my week...

Well they still are!! I <3 Kitties! But this is definitely a close second:

Just as my tummy was beginning to accept the fact that it was gonna be deprived of "heart attack in a box" American pizza, I go and give it some Dominos! But this isn't the shitty pizza from the shitty American dominos..This is Japan dominos! Apparently the American CEOs don't come near their Japanese counterparts cause this pizza is ggggggggoooooooooooooooooooooooooodddddddddddddddddddd!!!!!!!!! No cardboard tasting crust or week old ingredients here..Japanese people have too much pride to let their pizza get that crappy...However, this little jem of a pizza set us back approximately $23 (thanks partly to the terrible exchange rate)....and to think that's probably the cheapest pizza you'll find here!! Most of the pizzas at dominos are about $25-45 bucks depending on what crazy toppings you get...We always play it safe with cheese and pepporoni but you can add crusteacans, hot dogs, corn, cracked eggs, bitter melon, anchovies, and mayonase if you'd like!!! And now Trav and I are gonna go have a full belly coma...じゃね!!

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