Saturday, September 11, 2010


Japan, being a place of infinite wonders and unlimited technology has just produced the greatest thing i have ever seen A TOUCH SCREEN INTERACTIVE VENDING MACHINE. When not in use the 40 inch touch screen HD monitor follows you around with large animated eyes and interacts with people around, then when someone approaches the menu you see in front of me appear. You then select any number of drinks which move to a large cloud floating on screen and after swiping your train pass or inserting poney then fall off the screen and into the bin below. As if this wasn't already cool enough an onboard computer and camera uses a complex array of software to figure out your gender and age based on your face structure and references that to your drink order to supply marketing data. They hope to advance this technology even further to use the facial recognization softeware to identify you so the machine can call you by name. SO AWESOME!

If you were wondering who the girl in the bottom pictures is that is Gabby. She is a friend of Lee and mine from Monterey and is studying abroad here in Tokyo as well. We met up with her today is Shibuya and spent the day exploring, it was a lot of fun.

Well lee an i are exhausted so i will have to post more about our adventures tomorrow, along with perhaps the funniest EN-GRISH marketing we have found yet .
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