Monday, September 6, 2010

It's a quiet Monday night...

So after a fun and busy weekend, we decided to take it easy today..But we did discover some amazing kurogoma aka black seasame flavored mochi (MY FAVORITE!!!) ...Yup, out of nowhere the best flavor in the world started popping up everywhere! Japan is notorious for this! Things have a way of changing instantaneously and simultaneously here, usually in response to a small change in the season/weather..One day there won't be a certain flavor, color, or article of clothing in sight and then the next day, everyone has it..I've always wondered how it is that everyone in Japan seems to get that memo and knows to coordinate!!! There must be a site that says, "Ok everyone, temperature is finally gonna drop tomorrow so you are all gonna wear floral patterned scarves..and whoever doesn't will look like a tool"...okok, they probably don't write that last part but it sometimes feels that way...I, completely unawares, will still be wearing my shorts when everyone else and their mother are wearing skinny jeans and boots...I need to figure out how to get this memo!! Or maybe it's an innate sense that only Japanese people have?? who knows!! On a completely unrelated note, Trav and I found this amazing building that had some pretty neat architecture. We managed to sneak in a few pics!!
It's still crazy hot here so we haven't been doing much outside..We typically try and find awesome buildings like this one to cool off in before we venture out again...But the heat has brought on some good things, such as my latest obsession with this spunky and unbearably cute kitty:

Ya, shes pretty much the cutest animated cat you will ever see! Her name is Chi and she's from a popular manga here titled, "Chi's Sweet Home". This story is so cute I could puke rainbows whenever I read it! I've even thought about translating the series if anyone's interested. This is, believe it or not, the first manga I have ever read and Trav's  been helping this addiction by sneakily going out and buying the manga for me!!

well it's gettin a little late over here..So I think I'll leave you all with this:::::

WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!! <3 <3

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