Sunday, September 26, 2010

ここで書かないでごめん m(T_T)m

I know I've been horrible about updating this blog since school started but as most of you know, they've had us running around everyday doing something! The bright side of all this is that I have lots of pics for you guys! Unfortunately blogger is not very cool and does not have the proper interface to share lots of pics..So I had to make a seperate photobook for you guys! I'm still gonna use blogger for the pics when its just a couple, but on Friday we went to Nagano-ken (its a different prefecture about 3 hours from Tokyo) and took tons of pics! The reason I went all trigger happy with the camera on this trip was cause all you've seen so far is concrete loving Tokyo and I wanted to show you just how varied Japan is. I feel I almost forgot this myself!!! (笑)Nagano-ken is a gorgeous prefecture in the middle of Japan and is up in the mountains (it's a great skiing location in the winter!) :

So our first stop was in an old village named "Narai"..This little village has a huge history but it has remained a famous tourist spot because the architecture has been kept as it originally was during the Edo Period. This village is probably my favorite site that I have seen so far!! Next, we went and visited Matsumoto castle which is famous not only for its black, ominous exterior, but also for its preservation. It's one of two castles that still maintains their original wooden interiors and external stonework. The outside of this castle was amazing but the inside was a death trap. This castle is quite tall and our program director told us we had to climb to the top of the castle...Apparently she had a death wish on us as accending each floor required you to tackle extremely tall, steep steps that looked more like a angled ladder than stairs. Not only do I hate heights, especially when Im climbing 80 degree ladders 20 feet up, but I managed to screw up my right leg trying to scoot down one of these "stairs" and haven't been able to walk right since! Thank you Matsmoto castle( ̄へ ̄) Despite my complaining like a little girl, the trip was tons of fun and the places extraordinary. Sometimes its overwhelming to see these types of historical places, especially since American history cannot compare in the slightest (They have over 1000 years on us). Anyways, feel free to check out the pictures here:

Lastly, I would like to leave you with this engrish little gem...This is just too funny to even comment on..ENJOY:

 ヘ(^_^ヘ)  haha this smiley is doing the thriller dance!!!

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