Tuesday, September 14, 2010

we made it!

So Trav and I finally made it to Hotel Sunroute at Takadanobaba, where our school is at. Tonight we are going to dinner at Shakey's with the rest of the CSU IP students. The bus that picked up most of the students at the airport was supposed to arrive at 530pm but got delayed so we are meeting at 7...Although I feel bad for the group, the delay gave Trav and I some time to explore the area and the city here is amazing!! There are tons of shops, department stores, arcades, restaurants..you name it! We haven't seen the school yet but hopefully we will be going there tomorrow..which means pics for you guys! Trav is feeling a little sick though so there is a small chance we might have to take it easy tomorrow...Send Trav lots of get well thoughts so he doesn't have to suffer through orientation!!

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