Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I know this post is a little delayed but as promised here are some photos from our trip the the Kamakura coast.
First we went to Inoshim a small island covered in lush vegitation and numerous temples. We spent about 4 hours hiking around the tide pool beaches and up through the temples and pathways. This island very much reminded Leanna and I of Hawaii and to top it off they were having a hawaiian celebraion complete with hula dancers on the center of the island. This picture was taken from ahuge observatory on the top of the island looking towards the coast.

Next we went further along the coast to a very famous temple which houses and enourmous budda statue as you can plainly see. The statue is so large in fact there are rooms you can visit inside of the staue.

The final picture was taken out the side of the train or our ride home. All in all we spent 12 hours out and about hiking, walking, and having fun and even though it was tiring it was a lot of fun.
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