Tuesday, August 31, 2010

More Random Japanese Stuff

So over the last few days we have continued our random exploration of the areas around our apartment in search places we may wish to frequent in the future and along this journey we have found a few hilarious little gems we wished to share with you.

First we discovered our local train station is famous for something we hadn't seen until yesterday. This odd little statue at the far end of the platform which PISSES into a small pond. Weird Right? and most of this is what our town is famous for, literally if you go on the town website that is the picture you will find.

Next we found perhaps one of the strangest parking garages you will ever come by. An entire garage dedicated to storing bikes for commuters, and this was no small place it took 1/2 a city block and was filled to capacity.

Finally we found that the park behind our apartment is home to a gang of wild cats which can be found at all hours laying about the walk ways and hunting the Sakada bugs. As you can imagine this has been the highlight of the last week for Lee.

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