Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Meet cute little 台風9号 aka Typhoon #9

We finally got our first rain since we've been here and of course Japan went all out with a typhoon! We knew it was gonna be rainy today due to a typhoon in the area, but what we didn't realize was that this typhoon was headed straight for Tokyo. Unaware of this info, we tried to go out exploring since it was cooler out, only to be drenched within minutes and forced back home defeated. The only bright side to our trip was that we bought some awesome umbrellas for a great price! We made our retreat in the neck of time though, because after about an hour of being back home, our first official typhoon warning sounded. One really remarkable thing about Tokyo is that they have these PA systems that are wired throughout the whole neighborhood. Their most used purpose is for playing a nice melody at 5pm everyday to let the salary workers know their workday's end is fast approaching. Where I lived last time they played John Lennon's "Imagine" but I don't recognize the song they play here. Ill have to record it sometime and post it!!  However, today we learned that these little PA systems also serve a much more important purpose, they are also our warning system! A nice little chime is sounded to let people know that an announcement is about to be made (much like at a school in the US) and then a lady kindly lets everyone know what is going down, whether it be a typhoon or some other impending doom. I managed to get part of the announcement on one of the videos I shot...Needless to say, I was once again like a kid on x-mas! Trav was a little nervous letting me out on our balcony with crazy winds and lightning right above us, but I had to get you a video of it! Also, keep in mind this would have been the day we landed had we not changed our tickets! Luck has really been on our side!!!
I also snapped some photos while I was playing storm chaser on my balcony (^_^):

All in all, this was a pretty nice change from all that hot weather!!!

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