Sunday, August 29, 2010


Hello everyone! So I have been bad again about writing but I promise I've been taking lots of pics that I wanna share with you!!! Unfortunately right now I have to get our apartment all ready for the maids (I the apartment in preparation for getting it cleaned..weird!!!) but I wanted to sneak on and show you a couple pics!!! The pic to my right was taken last night...I absolutely love how the clouds roll in right before sunset and thus paints the sky a rich purple/red for a few minutes!!
I seriously think I am in love with the weather here. One second its sunny and the next there's huge thunderclouds rolling in.. 
Lastly, Trav and I got a kick outta this!!!
That's our rice container in case you were wondering...We noticed it had this little ventilated pocket on the top and thought to ourselves, "Oh this must be where a water absorbent bar goes so the rice doesn't absorb the humidity.." WRONG! After reading the label, it's actually an insect repellent bar made from cayenne pepper....Now this wouldn't be so bad if I hadn't lived in Japan previously and had been completely unaware that insects were even attracted to rice..I used to just leave mine sitting out..I wonder what kind of extra crunch I unwillingly invited into my rice!!! (≡゚Д゚) I guess you learn something new everyday! Luckily I have yet to see any insects in our apartment but the day I do, little baby kitty is coming home with me!! That's the best insect repellent right there!!!  (=^_^=) にゃ〜

1 comment:

  1. haha oh lee....there are so many non-baby kitties who are better trained at eaiting bugs and other unwanted stuff that you could bring home. Remember Bubby (the long hair black and white)? He would have loved japan!
