Friday, August 20, 2010

Trash Day


So this is a small pamplet on how you throw stuff away here..You have to organize your trash mainly into 7 different sections!! I know..there's more organization to my trash than my apartment!! There's プラ(plastic), PET bottles (plastic bottles), カン(cans), 紙(paper)、アルミ(aluminum)、スチール(steel), 不燃物(incombustibles).

  who would have thought that I could be so organized!!  I think the reason for my compulsive trash organizing is because I know that many Japanese feel this is the # 1 外人(foreigner) mistake ....Many Japanese feel that Americans have absolutely no concept of recycling or of taking care of our environment...So it's my responsibility to diminish these beliefs and show them that we can devote large amounts of time to organizing trash too! To be completely honest though, it does feel nice to actually know that all this does get recycled..I feel that Americans tend to be very wasteful(we have the landfills to prove it) and despite living in such a densely populated area, Japan has very little waste...SO KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK JAPAN (^_^)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Trav and Lee,
    I did find the blog! Gomi days were my pet peeve in Japan. I, too, could be a good Japanese housewife and spend hours of my week sorting trash and every morning of my life getting up early and putting it out by 7am. Could we do this in our PJ's? No. No. No. Must be fully dressed before braving the ever observant neighbors. You know we always do it wrong. I love Hawaii. I have to take it all to the recycling center, but at least I can do it on my own time.
