Saturday, August 14, 2010


While sitting in our apartment relaxing for a little bit Leanna and I heard several huge explosions. We ran out to the balcony and were greeted by a HUGE Japanese firework festival (tokyo wan dai hanabi sai). The entire show lasted over 1 1/2 hours and was by far the largest and most intricate show i have ever seen. It doesn't even compare to the shows i have seen in the past. And it was right over the bay just 5 blocks from our apartment. I couldn't have asked for better. We spent the night sitting on the balcony with a fellow resident of the complex. Micheal from Munich Germany and his wife from here in Japan sipping Kirin beer and enjoying our first week here in Tokyo.
P.S. The final which lasted over 8 minutes set off EVERY SINGLE CAR ALARM in our the area, and i'm sure many others and sent every police car, ambulance, and fire engine into action.

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