Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Gotta love weird Japanese flavors!

morning everyone! Lee here...So one of my favorite things about Japan is their weird these flavors aren't bad mind you, just ones that America hasn't caught onto yet of course..I have a few favorites that I get absolutely ecstatic about finding here (once again, like a kid on xmas)...My most favorite has to be melon flavor! It almost surpasses my love for kurogoma (black sesame flavor)...Every time we find melon flavored, well anything (soda, ice cream, candy, soft serve) I have to buy it! 

I think my impulse to buy such flavored products is due to the fact that Japan is VERY seasonal with its food...In about a month, it will be impossible to find anything melon flavored until next summer (breaks my heart)...
I also have a sick obsession with mochi, which is funny cause I couldn't stand the stuff when I first tried it living in Hawaii...It was during my first year in Japan that I really began to love the crazy putty like texture of mochi! And with flavors like chocolate cream, you can't go wrong!!
I am still on the look out for my favorite flavor of all time, black sesame seed mochi but so far no luck..I think it has to get into the winter season for me to find it....that or Ill just have to travel an hour to Higashikurume (my old stomping grounds) and visit that cute little mochi shop!!!

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