Saturday, August 21, 2010

Goofing around

Today the weather finally broke a little and what has been an excruciatingly hot first week became a relatively cool 80 degree day. So being that we were able to walk to the end of the block without being soaked in sweat we decided to venture out to Shibuya, one of the biggest and most popular areas in Tokyo. Though after setting out we realized it was a Saturday, and as such ridiculously busy we still managed to do a fair amount of exploring. We found several of the largest malls EVER, numerous shops filled with random and often hilarious stuff and some of the highest prices we have encountered yet. Even the 300 yen shop was charging 315 yen per item, go figure. Its just that popular of an area they can charge what they like. However we found a cheap way to entertain ourselves when we stumbled upon a slew of amusement rides on top of one of the malls, and as you can see Leanna found here clear favorite, the Lapras ride. After a long day of exploring we returned home and Leanna cooked us one of the first full and completely filling meals we have had here, and i must say it was nothing less that just what we needed. 

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