Tuesday, November 9, 2010


This last weekend Leanna and I went to Wasedasai, a festival our school throws every year and is possibly the most widely advertised this our school does. Here in Japan every school has a festival and for all intents and purposes it is how your school is judged. Waseda, being as well known as it is, has famous bands perform, enormous amounts of food and stage entertainment, as well as some of the weirdest clubs and costumes you will see anywhere. I uploaded our photos from the event in a slide show below for you to enjoy. The event goes on for two whole days and somewhere over 50,000 people attend. Each of the schools over 500 clubs set up a both or perform live for the people attending and allows them to gain funding for their clubs. Since the clubs funding is on the line you are bombarded by students trying to get you to visit their club booth and buy their food or buy tickets to their performance as soon as you step on campus, which in such a large crowd, is extremely hectic. However some of the hilarious things we saw made this totally worth is. I hope you enjoy a few of the videos we took as well as the slide show below.

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