Sunday, November 28, 2010

I totally did this in reverse!

So Trav and I, being the horrible tourists that we are, forgot to bring our camera during Thanksgiving dinner and have had to rely on our friends to get pics to us..But here they are! Even if they are a little late...The dinner was definitely nothing like what we get at home but it was still a very fun night with all our illegitimate CSU brothers and sisters and our Japanese host parents:
We had the whole upstairs to ourselves..but with 25 of us, it kinda looked like a mob..

We were at the head of the table, which makes sense considering we've been dubbed the unofficial parents of everyone..

Trav actually ate this salad...and ENJOYED IT! O(≧∇≦)O

Ya that's stuffing to the left....*dies*

It was technically "pumpkin bread pudding" but desperate times call for desperate measures!
*pukes rainbows*

Yes that's a Reese's cup on the table..I think we were more excited for those than for the dinner!

The restaurant where we had Thanksgiving dinner...The restaurant is located in a renovated house in the residential area of Shibuya..

In other news, we are just a week and a half away from the Utada Hikaru concert and I've almost completely regressed back into my fangirl phase (my parents remember that fondly I'm sure)!! Oh and my Koto concert is just 2 weeks away as well..Im kinda dreading this concert though as I think its gonna take a miracle for me to be able to play without messing up...Especially since I now have to sing in my song and my voice could be comparable to a dying cat..Time to scoop up some 5 yen coins and head over to the temple to pray for some type of divine intervention! But if worst comes to worst, you'll all get a hilarious video of me looking like a deer in headlights as I lose my place during the song >_<

oh and this got posted on facebook but not on here...These are just some pics Trav and I took out by our apartment..The leaves are finally changing color in Tokyo and as you can see, that whole thing about Tokyo just being concrete is a complete lie!!!!

Oh and there's more! Our little pissing statue has been all pimped out in festive xmas clothes!!
Yes, Rudolph is a kitty!!!! *LOVES*

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haha first thing I spot in this pic...JAPANESE TRAIN!!!

There was a giant group of ppl getting off the train when Trav took the pic...AWKWARD! 
and finally..I leave you with this amazing little "engrish" gem that I found while in "korean town"..Is it horrible that I still lmao everytime I see one of these signs??? You'd think after 7 years of knowing about the whole Engrish phenomena it'd get old....guess not!!! XD
so is a "department sotre" different than a "department store"?? XD

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