Tuesday, November 16, 2010


So there are some things that will cause me to dance around my apartment room like an obsessed little fangirl.....and one of these things is WINNING UTADA HIKARU TICKETS!!! Yes, I won the ticket lottery to her final show before she goes on her indefinite hiatus..I'm soo happy I'm getting to do this cause, as I've said before, she is what sparked this whole endeavor. She's  been a huge inspiration to me for the past 7 years so this will be a great way to see her off..
I am also one lucky cookie as I will have gotten the chance to see her in concert twice in one year (sorry Japanese fans!)..A lot of you already know who she is but if you don't, she is one of the highest selling artists of all time in Japan and has broken many music records here..Getting tickets to see her live in Japan has been so difficult (unless once again, ur a lucky cookie like me)  that a lot of her Japanese fans have actually flown to America in the past just to go to her concert...I probably owe this awesome stroke of luck to my hubby who always seems to have all the luck (^_^)
So in celebration of this, and if you are really bored and wanna hear her newest and final single..then CLICK THE LINK (the music video is so cute I could puke rainbows)!!!

lol I should probably warn you its a tribute video to her fans so there's a lot of inside references to her music career and fanmade stuff (hence the randomness) ..Sometimes it's hard to believe that she's richer than most people in Japan!  (^_^)

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