Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My little 手の指 (fingers) got spoiled tonight!!!

these are the most expensive finger decorators Ill ever own!

These are called つめ (tsume) and they are the finger picks you use to play the koto. The lady that fitted me for mine was very sweet but also quite perplexed by my freakishly long hands! Akari, one of the club members that speaks great english helped me pick out the case..I think this purple definitely suits me = ) I officially start in the club on Friday so hopefully I will be able to keep everyone updated on how this musical endevour goes!!

But before I go to bed, I leave you with this adorable pic of Trav:

Does he not look like an eight-year old on Xmas morning?!?! Guess that's what you get when you give a pizza deprived guy his own large brooklyn style pizza from dominos (thank god for buy one get one free and 15% off coupons! ya I know how to work the Japanese coupon system ;P )

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