Friday, August 17, 2012

Life without an air conditioner or Internet...! Don't ever try it! Especially when you live in a country where the summers are about 90 degrees with 80% humidity. Luckily for us, we will finally be getting our air conditioner installed today, which means a cool apartment finally! However, we weren't as lucky with the internet and will have to live without Internet until after September (;_;) In the meantime, we really want to share with you all the adventures we've been having but blogspot is not very iPhone friendly. So, I have made a twitter account that lets me post photos and small blurbs easily from my phone. You can follow us here:

Yes, we are already simply known as the Jenkins duo in Japan. I think Power Couple sounds better but I'll settle for Jenkins Duo :)
Alright it is time for us to head out for the morning. Oh I almost forgot to post a photo! This photo was taken outside our front door. Yes, trees do exist in Japan.

Miss you all! Xoxo

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