Friday, August 17, 2012

Life without an air conditioner or Internet...! Don't ever try it! Especially when you live in a country where the summers are about 90 degrees with 80% humidity. Luckily for us, we will finally be getting our air conditioner installed today, which means a cool apartment finally! However, we weren't as lucky with the internet and will have to live without Internet until after September (;_;) In the meantime, we really want to share with you all the adventures we've been having but blogspot is not very iPhone friendly. So, I have made a twitter account that lets me post photos and small blurbs easily from my phone. You can follow us here:

Yes, we are already simply known as the Jenkins duo in Japan. I think Power Couple sounds better but I'll settle for Jenkins Duo :)
Alright it is time for us to head out for the morning. Oh I almost forgot to post a photo! This photo was taken outside our front door. Yes, trees do exist in Japan.

Miss you all! Xoxo

Sunday, August 5, 2012

We made it!

After months of preparation and a grueling 10 hour flight later, Trav and I are finally back where we belong, in Japan! I say this with a somewhat heavy heart though, as saying goodbye to our families only seems to get harder each time. But we are so excited to share our stories with them and with you! So stay tuned to hear all about our new adventures in Japan as JET teachers!