Friday, December 31, 2010


..aka Happy New Years everyone! This past year has been absolutely amazing and full of adventures! And to think just a year ago I was about to get engaged..So much has happened and we sure have come a long way haven't we? We have come so far that I am now able to get Trav to eat....are you ready for this Momma Jenkins?? Its gonna completely blow you away!! OK here goes...I am now able to get Trav to eat TOFU! Yes, it was actual Tofu, and no I did not have to force feed him or drug him beforehand..I didn't even have to bribe him! 
Although now that I look at the pic, he does kinda look drugged out! o(≧∇≦*o)
But we tried our hand at making a Sukiyaki/Nabe type dish for New Year's Eve..We have a great recipe for Sukiyaki (<3 you LORI!!!) but unfortunately the price of pork was up three fold for the new years so we had to make do with this weird ground up chicken dango (dumpling) thingie..They were pretty good but not nearly as good as the sliced pork! And there was tofu in this dish!! Now I can mark "getting my hubby to eat tofu" off my list of wifely duties! ヾ(●⌒∇⌒●)ノやった!
 So a few days ago Trav and I met up with our friend Alex who is also studying abroad through the CSU program in South Korea. We took her to Odaiba which is that island right behind our apartment that we've been talking about..we had lots of fun shopping around and of course, took some pics!!
 Words cannot express the awesome perfectness of this pic...

 Perhaps a change in career choices??

 Looks like they still don't have spell check on their word processors..XD Maybe I will be needed here after I graduate!!
Rainbow Bridge
 This was an ad in the girl's bathroom at the Odaiba train station..Im not sure wtf is going on in this pic to be honest..The Japanese phrase literally translates as "Be careful not to forget to shit"...Great advice Japan, great advice...
Yes their names are "Lubey", "Pokey" and "Ribber" and yes, this is an actual display window on a busy boardwalk..
 Tokyo Tower..I always find it so pretty even though I see it everyday...Well that's all the updates for now..Trav and I got our cold soba noodles to eat tonight (a Japanese tradition on New Year's Eve) and of course some champagne for midnight! We were gonna bundle up and try and find a local temple to ring in the new year at (literally speaking..they usually will ring a giant bell 108 times at midnight..Hope no one nearby has to work tomorrow!) but then we found out that Tokyo Tower has its own thing going on at midnight and so we might just watch from our balcony, where we can easily escape the cold! But I hope everyone has an amazing and safe New Years..We are always thinking about you guys and miss you all like crazy!
but before I leave, I thought I'd post this pic of the most epic hat in the world:
A KITTY BEANIE!! I dunno how I survived this long without one..Thank you Lori!!!!!
(=^. .^=)ミャー <3 <3

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry xmas everyone!

We may not be with our families this year but they still made our xmas a memorable one! Thank you everyone for the amazing gifts and treats! It is definitely tough being away from you all, especially this time of year, but you have definitely helped battle the loneliness. We should be giving you all some awesome updates in the near future as we have a very busy next few months coming up (esp. FEB!!)..We have Kabuki (type of Japanese Theatre) in Jan, an Okinawa and Hokkaido trip in Feb along with Lori and her bf Nick coming out to visit us for a week (WOOT WOOT), and we finally end our 2 month spring vacation in Hiroshima and Kyoto..As my fam might remember, Kyoto was where I lived for two months with Amanda house sitting for Sherry...Can't wait to visit there again as I absolutely loved Kyoto!!! Oh and as long as I can make it through the practices, I will be gracing you all with another humorous koto performance in April..This is gonna be quite interesting cause although I will have had 4 months to prepare for this concert instead of 1 month, the song is infinitely harder and at the moment, looking quite impossible for a beginner to master! But they seem to have faith in us so we will give it all we got!!! (つ^_^)つ頑張るよ〜〜〜
and now it's time for Trav and I to end our quiet and cozy xmas in Japan..Love you all!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The CSU Christmas Party

A Christmas Party in Japan, it was really hard to know what to expect, especially since we were having it at a mexican restaurant in a country where 95% of people don't know what mexican food is and the ingredients to make it are almost non-existant. 

But i must say we had a lot of fun, even though the food was anything but authentic. i.e Chips and Chili instead of salsa, and a ricotta cheese quesadilla .... italian food? Ect. Ect. but hey how picky can you be when there is only one restraint to choose from.

Though the food wasn't the best Lee, myself, and the other 30 or so members of our group did enjoy bottomless margaritas.

..... Some More Than Others

Lee was on a mission to find the bottom of these bottomless margaritas along with our resident director who proved she could become a 2o something year old when needed.

As you can see we all had a lot of fun, especially since this is the last dinner with the group for some and for others like us it was a chance to have christmas with our "family" away from home. And for Leanna a chance to dress like she still worked at Rexall during the holidays.


Friday, December 3, 2010

Christmas Lights in Ebisu

So Lee, Jessie, and I decided to go to Ebisu Garden Place to check out their famous illumination display.

It was absolutely amazing considering Japan doesn't technically celebrate Christmas

Lee was so excited that this was a real Christmas tree that she kept picking pieces off to smell haha

At the end of the display was the huge and ridiculously well guarded crystal chandelier. Mom would have loved it.

She also would have loved this large Victorian mansion right at the top of the garden. 

It definitely put us into the holiday spirit.
But we miss you all very much.