Friday, August 17, 2012

Life without an air conditioner or Internet...! Don't ever try it! Especially when you live in a country where the summers are about 90 degrees with 80% humidity. Luckily for us, we will finally be getting our air conditioner installed today, which means a cool apartment finally! However, we weren't as lucky with the internet and will have to live without Internet until after September (;_;) In the meantime, we really want to share with you all the adventures we've been having but blogspot is not very iPhone friendly. So, I have made a twitter account that lets me post photos and small blurbs easily from my phone. You can follow us here:

Yes, we are already simply known as the Jenkins duo in Japan. I think Power Couple sounds better but I'll settle for Jenkins Duo :)
Alright it is time for us to head out for the morning. Oh I almost forgot to post a photo! This photo was taken outside our front door. Yes, trees do exist in Japan.

Miss you all! Xoxo

Sunday, August 5, 2012

We made it!

After months of preparation and a grueling 10 hour flight later, Trav and I are finally back where we belong, in Japan! I say this with a somewhat heavy heart though, as saying goodbye to our families only seems to get harder each time. But we are so excited to share our stories with them and with you! So stay tuned to hear all about our new adventures in Japan as JET teachers!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


...and once again I kept my promise! Travis and I are moving back to Japan in August, which means new adventures! Stay tuned to hear about our lives as English teachers in Kobe,  Japan!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Our amazing adventures come to an abrupt end

As all of you know, Japan was victim to a series of major disasters that has devastated the country. In light of these tragedies and due to the vulnerability of a country in the wake of such disasters,  the CSU Chancellor has terminated all CSU programs within Japan and has asked students to evacuate the country as soon as possible. This included our program and so Travis and I are unable to return to Japan.  I honestly never thought I would have such a broken heart again, but this has been one of the most difficult times of my life. I really wish I could have had a final night in Japan with my hubby, eating Dominos pizza on our balcony while admiring "Tokyo Tower" one last time. However, it is not my own situations that I'm so saddened by, but rather the horrific incidents that have created my situation. I have built my life around Japan and to see it in this kind of distress has left me so broken inside. Japan is where my heart is and where I feel the most at home so to be torn from it so suddenly has been unbearable. I'm gonna miss the sound of trains rushing past my apartment as I fall asleep, practicing koto til the last train, hearing "Irrashaimase" everywhere I go, playing with the kitties in kitty park or grabbing an onigiri as I rush to class....However, I still believe in what I said to my bestie Kei over two years ago on the balcony of our dorm room in Koganei, Tokyo "love, we were born to be in Japan, we'll be back before we know it" ...Two years later I kept that promise and in two years Ill be keeping that promise again...
Tokyo Gakugei Dorm Balcony - July 2008

Waseda trip to Okinawa - February 2011
I hope you enjoyed reading about our adventures and hopefully in the near future we will be able to share our Japanese life with you all again!

I'll be back..mark my words...and with that I bid you all farewell..


Saturday, February 26, 2011


Here is a quick little slide show of our trip to Okinawa. Enjoy! We can't wait to be back home this week and see all of you!
EDIT: We promised Lori we'd take a few "WTF" pics...Can you spot them??? =P


We are currently working on an awesome slide show to share our experiences in Okinawa with you so check back soon!!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

An amazing Valentine's Day complete with SNOW!!!

Now that I think about it, it snowed on V-day last time I was here too =) Maybe it snows every year on V-day to help set the mood for all those lovebirds in Tokyo..Gotta fix that declining birthrate somehow ; ) So Trav and I spent an amazing day out in Kawasaki, which is only 30 minutes from our house..We definitely don't know why we didn't check this place out sooner..It has amazing food, shopping and tourist spots! Definitely will be going back there soon =) and our lovely, quiet lovey dovey night ended with tons of snow as we will show you excessively below..I have a small obsession sorry guys!
From the balcony

Pretty nature stuff with snow =)

A very freezing Trav-kun

I'm making squishy face (>_<) !!
Poor flowers just got pwned!!

more snow

In front of the apartment

Temple by our place

Momma has made her mark in Tokyo =)

Our awesome snowman that my Mom has named "Karloz"

Had to get a photo with him..he's just that badass

Valentine's Day - 2011

Those footprints are mainly from me =)
There are more pics but I figured we can show everyone when we come home in a couple weeks!! And here are some pretty random and somewhat pointless videos for you guys!