Friday, March 18, 2011

Our amazing adventures come to an abrupt end

As all of you know, Japan was victim to a series of major disasters that has devastated the country. In light of these tragedies and due to the vulnerability of a country in the wake of such disasters,  the CSU Chancellor has terminated all CSU programs within Japan and has asked students to evacuate the country as soon as possible. This included our program and so Travis and I are unable to return to Japan.  I honestly never thought I would have such a broken heart again, but this has been one of the most difficult times of my life. I really wish I could have had a final night in Japan with my hubby, eating Dominos pizza on our balcony while admiring "Tokyo Tower" one last time. However, it is not my own situations that I'm so saddened by, but rather the horrific incidents that have created my situation. I have built my life around Japan and to see it in this kind of distress has left me so broken inside. Japan is where my heart is and where I feel the most at home so to be torn from it so suddenly has been unbearable. I'm gonna miss the sound of trains rushing past my apartment as I fall asleep, practicing koto til the last train, hearing "Irrashaimase" everywhere I go, playing with the kitties in kitty park or grabbing an onigiri as I rush to class....However, I still believe in what I said to my bestie Kei over two years ago on the balcony of our dorm room in Koganei, Tokyo "love, we were born to be in Japan, we'll be back before we know it" ...Two years later I kept that promise and in two years Ill be keeping that promise again...
Tokyo Gakugei Dorm Balcony - July 2008

Waseda trip to Okinawa - February 2011
I hope you enjoyed reading about our adventures and hopefully in the near future we will be able to share our Japanese life with you all again!

I'll be back..mark my words...and with that I bid you all farewell..
