Sunday, January 30, 2011


IT SNOWS!!! Yes, actual friggin snow..Just as I finished typing my last report up, I look out the window and there they awesome snow flakes fluttering everywhere!! Needless to say, I was once again like a kid on Christmas (Kei remembers the last encounter I had with snow)..and Trav of course got a video of it..(つ^_^)つ

雪雪雪雪雪雪雪雪雪雪が大好きだよ! and I do mean daisuki.. 

 and in regards to crazy-ass random Japanese things,  we have this lovely gem of a video for you:

 even if you have a puppet, they still consider that sexual harassment..

and finally..the last video of the night..."THE TRON TRAIN":

GOODNIGHT!  (:p)-|---[

Friday, January 7, 2011


So after having been in Japan for 5 months now we finally made our way over to Asakusa, which is known to be a very traditional area of Tokyo with many temples and historic sites. However being the tradition in Japan to go visit these sights during the first week of the New Year we couldn't get more than a few blacks away from these areas. We did however accomplish one of our goals in coming to Japan, to see sky tree ( The New Tokyo Tower of sorts, though Leanna and I both like the original tower better) and the Kirin Fire headquarters........though we must admit that is because there giant sculpture on top of the skyscraper resembles a gleaming golden sperm. Over all we had a lot of laughs and a good time with our friend Alex who was visiting from Korea. But now it is time to get back to school and wrap up the semester with a rush of finals.